The manifestation of skin diseases in the oral cavity can be detected by doctors of any profile during the interview and examination of the patient. Often, the diagnosis is carried out by a dentist. A thorough diagnostic search allows you to determine the main clinical manifestations and treatment tactics. The dentist independently prescribes local therapy. A complex general effect is recommended by a dermatologist. Severe cases require inpatient treatment. A correct diagnosis and adequate medical measures improve the general condition and the local clinical picture, as well as contribute to a stable remission of the disease.
Key words: lichen planus, manifestations in the oral cavity, erosive and ulcerative form, hyperkeratotic form, leukoplakia of smokers.
Key words: lichen planus, manifestations in the oral cavity, erosive and ulcerative form, hyperkeratotic form, leukoplakia of smokers.
For citation:Lutskaya I.K., Zinovenko O.G., Beloivanenko I.O. Clinical analysis of cases of lichen ruber planus in the oral cavity. Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 6: 46– 52. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.6.00080
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