Ectopic pregnancy is an important medical and social problem that threatens not only the reproductive function of women, but also her life. The frequency of ectopic pregnancy does not tend to decrease, however, high alertness with regard to this pathology, an integrated approach to diag-nosis, including the study of clinical data, ultrasound examination, as well as monitoring the level of beta-subunit of chorionic gonadotropin in blood serum, has significantly reduced the maternal mortality rate due to this pathology. At the same time, the existing modern methods of treat-ment make it possible to do without radical operations and preserve the reproductive function of patients.
Key words: pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, chorionic gonadotropin.
For citation:Agaeva M.I., Agaeva Z.A. Ectopic pregnancy: difficulties of timely diagnosis. Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 7: 52–55. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.7.00089
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