The paper explores clinical manifestations and the course of the disease in Honoré Balzac, the famous French writer. Interpretation of possible causes and the disease treatment is analyzed. The various diagnostic hypotheses, the cause of Balzac's death, and the treatment methods for his disorder, used in the 19th century French medicine, are discussed. The analysis of Balzac's medical history makes it possible to reconstitute the clinical features in terms of modern medicine. Particular attention is paid to the Balzac's attitude to the doctors, represented within the covers of his books, dowered with many valuable human qualities.
Key words: arterial hypertension, heart failure, сhronic bronchitis, bloodletting, gangrene, Jean- Baptiste Naccard
For citation:L.I. dvoretsky. Who are you, doctor Bianchon? on Honoré de Balzac's illness and death. clinical review for general practice. 2021; 7: 6–15. doI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.7.00083
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