Natalia Yu. Borovkova , Marina V. Buyanova
Multidisciplinary approach to safety of antithrombotic therapy used in clinical practice is reported. Such complications of antithrombotic therapy as gastrointestinal tract (GIT) erosion/ulceration and gastrointestinal bleeding are discussed in detail. The modern pathogenetically substantiated methods of gastric mucosa protection based on the use of rebamipide, the GIT mucosal protector agent with proven efficacy, are proposed.
Key words: antithrombotic therapy, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastroenteroprotection, rebamipide.
Key words: antithrombotic therapy, gastrointestinal bleeding, gastroenteroprotection, rebamipide.
About the Author
Natalia Yu. Borovkova 1 , Marina V. Buyanova 11 Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
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For citation:Borovkova N.Yu., Buyanova M.V. Multidisciplinary approach to safety of antithrombotic therapy: focus on the gastrointestinal tract. Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 4: 51–59. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.4.00060
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