Dmitry I. Trukhan , Evgeny L. Davydov , Natalia A. Chusova , Innokenty S. Chusov
Comorbid patients are the most vulnerable group for the novel coronavirus infection (COVID-19), spread by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which has a particularly high risk of adverse outcomes. The problem of managing comorbid patients in a pandemic requires an integrated approach aimed both at optimal management of comorbid conditions in patients who are in self-isolation and forced limitation of visits to medical institutions, and at the management of comorbid conditions in patients with COVID-19. Acquired since March 2020, when WHO announced the COVID-19 pandemic, global clinical experience in managing patients with a new coronavirus infection highlights a number of other pressing issues, especially for comorbid patients. These include issues of specific and nonspecific prophylaxis, as well as the supervision of comorbid patients in the rehabilitation period, especially in the framework of the post-COVID syndrome. This review addresses the issues of specific and non-specific prophylaxis of COVID-19, and also discusses the possibilities of indapamide and nitrendipine for the treatment of comorbid patients with arterial hypertension during a pandemic, and in patients with postcoid syndrome at the re-abiding stage.
Key words: comorbidity, arterial hypertension, treatment, indapamide, nitrendipine, new coronavirus infection (COVID-19), prevention, rehabilitation, postcoid syndrome, nutraceuticals.
About the Author
Dmitry I. Trukhan 1 , Evgeny L. Davydov 2 , Natalia A. Chusova 3 , Innokenty S. Chusov 41 Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russia
2 Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
3 Yevdokimov Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia
4 Omsk Region Budgetary Healthcare Institution "City Clinical Perinatal Center", Omsk, Russia
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For citation:Trukhan D.I., Davydov E.L., Chusova N.A., Chusov I.S. Opportunities of the therapist in prevention and at the rehabilitation stage after new coronaviral infection (COVID-19) in comorbid patients with arterial hypertension. Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 5: 6–15. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.5.00064
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