Signs of many diseases of body organs and systems are manifested in the oral cavity. Patients with blood disorders are characterized by prominent oral mucosal alterations. One of the most common symptoms includes increased mucosal bleeding, as well as vulnerability and impaired epithelialization of the oral mucosa. The clinical manifestations spectrum depends on the underlying disease severity. Secondary (fungal, herpes virus) infections complicate the diagnosis. Such patients require comprehensive physical and laboratory examination. Blood tests, as well as laboratory tests on other bodily fluids allow dentists to clarify the systemic disease diagnosis, and to provide proper topical treatment.
Key words: oral mucosal lesion, blood disorders.
Key words: oral mucosal lesion, blood disorders.
For citation:Lutskaya I.K., Kamyshnikov V.S. Oral mucosal lesions in patients with blood disorders. Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 3: 18–25. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.3.00045
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