The leading experts in psychiatry and neurology considered the features of managing patients with functional neurological disorders, chronic pain syndrome and related disorders within the the framework of the iPractic modular medical curriculum, focused on treating the patients with comorbid conditions, on the portal for the healthcare professionals CON-MED.RU. New terminology and classification already documented in ICD-11 were presented within the framework of the curriculum, the treatment principles for “difficult” patients were also discussed.
Key words: functional neurological disorder, chronic pain syndrome, antidepressants, ICD-11.
For citation:Patient with functional disorder at the interface of psychiatry and neurology. Anxiety and depressive disorders: dialogue between neurologist and psychiatrist (conference overview). Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 10: 35–40. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.10.00117
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