In patients with coronavirus infection, the nervous system involvement is very diverse. It undeniably directly affects the function of genitourinary system and other body systems. This can be most prominently manifested in urination, the complex and complicated process of bladder emptying. These symptoms are well-known and can be identified from the very first minutes of doctor-patient communication under the condition of knowledge about the symptoms and willingness for focused identification. Conscious control of urination requires complex interactions between the autonomic (sympathetic and parasympathetic) and the somatic nervous system. Medical history is important for diagnosis. On the one hand, the information obtained is twice as subjective, being the physician’s subjective assessment of the patient’s subjective perceptions. However, one should not forget about the need for individual approach to diagnosis taking into account each patient’s characteristics. Drug therapy should be accomplished only through the joint effort of urologist and neurologist during both therapy and rehabilitation.
Key words: coronavirus, neuroinfection, mental disorders, multidisciplinary approach, lower urinary tract, anticholinergics.
Key words: coronavirus, neuroinfection, mental disorders, multidisciplinary approach, lower urinary tract, anticholinergics.
For citation:Borisov V.V. Risks, urological complications and possible ways to overcome the COVID neuroinfection (clinical lecture). Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 6: 35–41. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.6.00078
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