Urinary tract infections remain one of the most common problems of modern medicine. In this regard, not only urologists, but also specialists of other specialties face urinary tract infection in their practice: internists, general practitioners, obstetricians and gynecologists. The growing resistance of uropathogs to antibiotics dictates the need for constant revision of the principles of antibacterial therapy of urinary tract infections. The article presents an analysis of two clinical cases: a sporadic episode of acute uncomplicated cystitis and an episode of recurrent urinary tract infection. The principles of modern diagnostics and therapeutic strategy are considered.
Key words: urinary tract infection, acute cystitis, Escherichia coli, dysuria, antibiotic therapy.
Key words: urinary tract infection, acute cystitis, Escherichia coli, dysuria, antibiotic therapy.
For citation:Belyi L.E. Uncomplicated urinary tract infection in the practice of a internist (clinical analysis). Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 3: 61–66. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.3.00052
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