The appearance of new mutations of coronavirus infection leads to an extension of the epidemic regime and makes it necessary to use protective equipment, as well as the constant work of the Red zone departments. Long-term regime of epidontrol, work in PPE and constant skin treatment with disinfectants leads to psychoemotional and physical exhaustion of medical workers, as well as to continuous exposure to traumatic, sensitizing factors. Dermatoses, which first appeared at the beginning of the epidemic and at the early stages of work in harsh conditions, began to acquire a chronic character. There is more information about new types of professional skin lesions among the frontline health care workers. The article describes clinical cases of skin lesions in workers of the Red zone.
Key words: red zone, professional dermatoses, contacts allergic dermatitis, mask acne, eczema, maskne.
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Key words: red zone, professional dermatoses, contacts allergic dermatitis, mask acne, eczema, maskne.
Портал CON-MED.RU:
For citation:Zadionchenko E.V., Klyuchnikova D.E., Zvezdina I.V. Skin lesions of frontline health care workers. Clinical cases. Clinical review for general practice. 2021; 9: 6–10. DOI: 10.47407/kr2021.2.9.00102
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