The aim is to demonstrate the case of multiple predictors of long-COVID-19, to try to explain the data of laboratory and instrumental research methods, the failure of antiarrhythmic therapy. Features of the clinical case: an elderly patient was not vaccinated against COVID-19, suffered from hypertension and obesity for a long time, was hospitalized with COVID-19, complicated by community-acquired pneumonia of moderate severity. Subsequently, atrial fibrillation developed, which could not be eliminated. Long-COVID risk factors: female gender, polymorbid background, elevated C-reactive protein levels, neutrophilosis and lymphopenia occurred in the presented clinical case.
Key words: long-COVID-19, predictors, atrial fibrillation.
Key words: long-COVID-19, predictors, atrial fibrillation.
For citation:Sivyakova O.N., Skripkina E.S., Voronova O.V. A clinical case of multiple predictors long-COVID-19. Clinical analysis in general medicine. 2022; 5: 23–26. DOI: 10.47407/kr2022.3.5.00159
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