This publication is the Russian translation of the Plain Language Summary (PLS) of the Cochrane Systematic Review: Griesel M, Wagner C, Mikolajewska A, Stegemann M, Fichtner F, Metzendorf M-I, Nair AAnil, Daniel J, Fischer A-L, Skoetz N. Inhaled corticosteroids for the treatment of COVID‐19. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2022, Issue 3. Art. No.: CD015125. DOI: 10.1002/14651858.CD015125.
Key words: inhaled corticosteroids, COVID-19, mild COVID‐19, Cochrane systematic review.
Key words: inhaled corticosteroids, COVID-19, mild COVID‐19, Cochrane systematic review.
For citation:Are inhaled corticosteroids an effective treatment for people with mild COVID-19? Clinical analysis in general medicine. 2022; 5: 77–78. DOI: 10.47407/kr2022.3.5.00167
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