Background. Approximately every third patient who passed new coronavirus infection doesn’t feel absolutely healthy even few months ago after disease. Most constantly have noted fatigue (asthenia), sleep disorders, cognitive dysfunction and cardiovascular symptoms. In spite of coexistence different terms which describe persistent post-COVID-19 clinical manifestations, all of them serve the only goal – to demonstrate that the patients need in continuing medical care and rehabilitation after acute period of disease.
Aim. Assessment of clinical manifestations of bridge syndrome in men and women.
Materials and methods. Clinical manifestations of post-COVID-19 syndrome were assessed in 80 patients (49 women and 31 men) using a clinical interview and voluntary anonymous questionnaire. The mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council) scale was used to assess the severity of dyspnea, the McNair and Kahn questionnaire – for cognitive dysfunction, the FSS (Fatigue Severity Scale) – for the severity of fatigue (asthenia), and the visual analogue scale (VAS) was used for subjective assessment of fatigue. Statistical data processing was performed using the StatPlus 2009 Professional program.
Results. Among the most frequently reported complaints of patients in the post-COVID period were fatigue, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular symptoms, pain in muscles and joints. Among women in the post-COVID syndrome, headache was more often recorded, among men – fatigue. The severity of fatigue (asthenia) was also most pronounced among men. A variety of sleep disorders were identified in the vast majority of patients. Daytime sleepiness was recorded more often in men (almost every third man); for women, a characteristic sleep disorder was nightmares, which were not observed in men. Approximately with the same frequency among both sexes, problems with falling asleep and nocturnal awakenings were revealed. Cognitive impairment was observed in approximately one in four patients who had COVID-19, regardless of gender. Statistical relationships between asthenia and cognitive dysfunction were revealed, which are more significant among men.
Conclusion. The multiplicity of post-COVID clinical manifestations among men and women raises questions about the heterogeneity and potential summation of the pathogenic mechanisms underlying each symptom. Differences in the clinical symptoms of the post-COVID-19 period among men and women may can be explained by gender-specific immune response and require further study.
Key words: post-COVID-19 syndrome, COVID-19, fatigue, sleep disorders, cognitive dysfunction.
Aim. Assessment of clinical manifestations of bridge syndrome in men and women.
Materials and methods. Clinical manifestations of post-COVID-19 syndrome were assessed in 80 patients (49 women and 31 men) using a clinical interview and voluntary anonymous questionnaire. The mMRC (Modified Medical Research Council) scale was used to assess the severity of dyspnea, the McNair and Kahn questionnaire – for cognitive dysfunction, the FSS (Fatigue Severity Scale) – for the severity of fatigue (asthenia), and the visual analogue scale (VAS) was used for subjective assessment of fatigue. Statistical data processing was performed using the StatPlus 2009 Professional program.
Results. Among the most frequently reported complaints of patients in the post-COVID period were fatigue, sleep disturbances, cardiovascular symptoms, pain in muscles and joints. Among women in the post-COVID syndrome, headache was more often recorded, among men – fatigue. The severity of fatigue (asthenia) was also most pronounced among men. A variety of sleep disorders were identified in the vast majority of patients. Daytime sleepiness was recorded more often in men (almost every third man); for women, a characteristic sleep disorder was nightmares, which were not observed in men. Approximately with the same frequency among both sexes, problems with falling asleep and nocturnal awakenings were revealed. Cognitive impairment was observed in approximately one in four patients who had COVID-19, regardless of gender. Statistical relationships between asthenia and cognitive dysfunction were revealed, which are more significant among men.
Conclusion. The multiplicity of post-COVID clinical manifestations among men and women raises questions about the heterogeneity and potential summation of the pathogenic mechanisms underlying each symptom. Differences in the clinical symptoms of the post-COVID-19 period among men and women may can be explained by gender-specific immune response and require further study.
Key words: post-COVID-19 syndrome, COVID-19, fatigue, sleep disorders, cognitive dysfunction.
For citation:Sergeeva V.A., Lipatova T.E. Clinical manifestations of post-COVID-19 syndrome in men and women. Clinical analysis in general medicine. 2022; 5: 16–22. DOI: 10.47407/kr2022.3.5.00158
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