Recently, COVID-19-associated acute myelitis has begun to attract attention, because it is a rare but severe complication of coronavirus infection. Acute myelitis is an inflammatory disorder of the spinal cord, covering a large part of its diameter, with damage to the grey and white matter, clinically manifested by motor, sensory and autonomic dysfunction. The pathogenesis of COVID-19-associated myelitis is primarily a result of hyperreactive system inflammatory response and secondary autoimmune-mediated spinal cord damage; however, direct virus infiltration of the central nervous system is also possible. This article describes a clinical case of COVID-19-associated acute myelitis, analyzes the features of clinical symptoms, the course and diagnosis of the disease in the patient and the effectiveness of conventional therapy.
Keywords: acute myelitis, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2.
For citation:Ananyeva E.S., Kruglov D.P., Vorobeva O.M., Shudrik O.A. Clinical case of COVID-19-associated acute myelitis. Clinical review for general practice. 2023; 4 (2): 68–72. DOI: 10.47407/kr2023.4.2.00206
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