The presented clinical observation shows the role of a multidisciplinary team of doctors in the treatment of acute kidney injury (AKI) in a patient suffering from bronchial asthma and metabolic syndrome (morbid obesity, arterial hypertension, type 2 diabetes mellitus). The importance of correcting metabolic disorders (diet, self-monitoring of glycemia, urate- and glucose-lowering therapy) has been demonstrated both as part of the complex therapy of AKI and for the prevention/slowing of further kidney damage.
Keywords: acute kidney injury, morbid obesity, hyperuricemia, multimorbid patient, glycemic control.
Keywords: acute kidney injury, morbid obesity, hyperuricemia, multimorbid patient, glycemic control.
For citation:Lebedeva M.V., Kamyshova E.S., Taranova M.V., Beketov V.D., Andreeva E.Y. Acute kidney injury in polymorbid patients. Clinical review for general practice. 2024; 5 (1): 7–12 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2023.5.1.00352
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