Cerebral toxoplasmosis is one of the most common opportunistic infections in HIV-infected patients. Neurological disorders in this group of patients require a differential diagnosis with demyelinating diseases, toxic damage to the nervous system, acute cerebrovascular accident and brain tumors. Cerebral toxoplasmosis can be accompanied by damage to internal organs and be combined with other secondary diseases in HIV-infected patients who are not aware of the presence of HIV-infection or hide this fact. Therefore, it becomes important to inform doctors of all specialties about features of clinical manifestations and the course of this pathology, which will allow early diagnosis and timely prescribing of effective therapy for the disease.
Keywords: cerebral toxoplasmosis, HIV-infected patients, diagnosis.
Keywords: cerebral toxoplasmosis, HIV-infected patients, diagnosis.
For citation:Ananyeva E.S., Vorobeva O.M., Bragina O.V., Laricheva O.B. Cerebral toxoplasmosis in HIV-infected patients in clinical practice. Clinical review for general practice. 2024; 5 (8): 84–90 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2024.5.8.00464
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