Vladimir E. Medvedev , Veronica I. Frolova , Sergey E. Martynov
The data have been acquired that 31.7% of patients of aestheticians and plastic surgeons meet the criteria of depressive disorders, while 36.7% meet the criteria of anxiety disorders. The signs of increased individual or public attention, as well as social fear are reported in 63% of patients.
The study results suggest the need to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic examination, to apply treatment and rehabilitation measures involving psychiatrist (therapist) in this cohort of patients.
Keywords: depression, anxiety, plastic surgery.
The study results suggest the need to conduct a comprehensive diagnostic examination, to apply treatment and rehabilitation measures involving psychiatrist (therapist) in this cohort of patients.
Keywords: depression, anxiety, plastic surgery.
About the Author
Vladimir E. Medvedev 1 , Veronica I. Frolova 2 , Sergey E. Martynov 31 Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia; International Institute of Psychosomatic Health, Moscow, Russia
2 Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russia
3 International Institute of Psychosomatic Health, Moscow, Russia
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For citation:Medvedev V.E., Frolova V.I., Martynov S.E. Depressive and anxiety disorders in patients of plastic surgeons and aestheticians. Clinical review for general practice. 2024; 5 (8): 12–18 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2024.5.8.00454
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