The paper provides the review of materials of the 1st Sechenov International Motherhood and Childhood Forum that took place on February 15–16 at the I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University. The event was held within the framework of the PRIORITY 2030 presidential program that was intended to create the world-class research medical university by the year 2030. Lectors presented the results of original research focused on the issues of preterm birth and miscarriage, preservation of fertility in cancer patients, early diagnosis of preeclampsia and isthmic-cervical incompetence, new methods for surgical treatment of genital prolapse, as well as the role of minimally invasive techniques in the diagnosis of intrauterine abnormalities. The reports of N.S. Trifonova et al., E.V. Timokhina, S.V. Pesegova, D.V. Bryunin, T.A. Jibladze, I.A. Apolikhina, I.V. Reshetov, and L.A. Ashrafyan deserve special attention.
Keywords: obstetrics, gynecology, in vitro fertilization, pregnancy, isthmic-cervical incompetence, preeclampsia, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, atrophy, human papillomavirus, oncology, pelvic organ prolapse.
Keywords: obstetrics, gynecology, in vitro fertilization, pregnancy, isthmic-cervical incompetence, preeclampsia, genitourinary syndrome of menopause, atrophy, human papillomavirus, oncology, pelvic organ prolapse.
For citation:First Sechenov International Motherhood and Childhood Forum: achievements, challenges, prospects. Clinical review for general practice. 2024; 5 (3): 119–130. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2023.5.3.00381
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