Olga L. Moskalenko , Roman A. Yaskevich , Evgeny L. Davydov
The leading position in the structure of causes of death from cardiovascular diseases is occupied by coronary heart disease, which is the most serious problem of modern cardiology and medicine in general. Mortality rates from coronary heart disease are now on the decline, thanks to advances in diagnosis, treatment, and risk factor management. Chronic diseases have an important and adverse effect on the quality of life, and it is well known that its improvement is the ultimate and important goal of modern medicine.
Aim. The study of quality of life indicators and factors influencing its decline in men with chronic coronary heart disease, with comorbid association with metabolic syndrome.
Materials and methods. 115 men with chronic ischemic heart disease were examined, of which 67 had metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed based on the criteria of clinical recommendations of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology in 2009. The quality of life and the degree of its decline were determined using the methodology developed by A.G. Gladkov et al. (1982) adapted by T.A. Ayvazyan et al. (1989).
Results. Among the surveyed men with chronic coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome, quality of life indicators of varying degrees of decline were found in more than 70% of the surveyed. A decrease in quality of life in men with chronic coronary heart disease with metabolic syndrome was more often observed in individuals with a five-component combination of metabolic syndrome. The most frequent metabolic syndrome clusters among men with different levels of quality of life decline were three- and four-component combinations, including abdominal obesity, arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia disorders.
Conclusion. It was found that in men with chronic coronary heart disease, the decrease in quality of life was largely due to the presence of the metabolic syndrome.
Keywords: metabolic syndrome, chronic ischemic heart disease, quality of life.
Aim. The study of quality of life indicators and factors influencing its decline in men with chronic coronary heart disease, with comorbid association with metabolic syndrome.
Materials and methods. 115 men with chronic ischemic heart disease were examined, of which 67 had metabolic syndrome. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed based on the criteria of clinical recommendations of the All-Russian Scientific Society of Cardiology in 2009. The quality of life and the degree of its decline were determined using the methodology developed by A.G. Gladkov et al. (1982) adapted by T.A. Ayvazyan et al. (1989).
Results. Among the surveyed men with chronic coronary heart disease and metabolic syndrome, quality of life indicators of varying degrees of decline were found in more than 70% of the surveyed. A decrease in quality of life in men with chronic coronary heart disease with metabolic syndrome was more often observed in individuals with a five-component combination of metabolic syndrome. The most frequent metabolic syndrome clusters among men with different levels of quality of life decline were three- and four-component combinations, including abdominal obesity, arterial hypertension and dyslipidemia disorders.
Conclusion. It was found that in men with chronic coronary heart disease, the decrease in quality of life was largely due to the presence of the metabolic syndrome.
Keywords: metabolic syndrome, chronic ischemic heart disease, quality of life.
About the Author
Olga L. Moskalenko 1 , Roman A. Yaskevich 2 , Evgeny L. Davydov 31 Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North – a separate division of Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siber- ian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences", Krasnoyarsk, Russia
2 Research Institute of Medical Problems of the North – a separate division of Federal Research Center "Krasnoyarsk Scientific Center of the Siber- ian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences", Krasnoyarsk, Russia; Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medic
3 Voino-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
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For citation:Moskalenko O.L., Yaskevich R.A., Davydov E.L. Indicators of quality of life in men with chronic ischemic heart disease with comorbid association with metabolic syndrome. Clinical review for general practice. 2024; 5 (8): 107–114 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2024.5.8.00468
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