In spring 2024, the meeting of the expert club “Menstrual Disorders. From Correct Diagnosis to Competent Treatment” took place. The leading experts in obstetrics and gynecology discussed the current FIGO guidelines on classification of menstrual disorders (MDs), the role of progesterone metabolites in neurophysiological regulation of menstrual cycle, diagnostic algorithms and endocrine causes of MDs. Such issues, as polycystic ovary syndrome, functional hypothalamic amenorrhea, primary ovarian insufficiency, endometrial hyperplasia, were thoroughly discussed. Special emphasis was placed on the latter: the experts outlined the principles of differential diagnosis and the role of micronized progesterone in prevention and treatment of disorders.
Keywords: menstrual disorder, progesterone, transdermal forms, estrogen.
Keywords: menstrual disorder, progesterone, transdermal forms, estrogen.
For citation:Menstrual disorders. From correct diagnosis to competent treatment. Clinical review for general practice. 2024; 5 (3): 6–17. (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2023.5.3.00369
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