Olga N. Miller
The ventricular heart rhythm disturbances occurring in individuals with no structural heart abnormality are a pressing issue not only due to their significance, but also due to the lack of clear approaches to treatment of such patients. In actual clinical practice, the physician faces a number of unresolved problems related to both causes and treatment of premature heath beats. This issue requires further research aimed to determine the optimal tactics of management for the specific patient with premature heath beats.
Keywords: premature heart beats, connective tissue disease, mitral valve prolapse.
About the Author
Olga N. Miller 11 Novosibirsk State Medical University, Novosibirsk, Russia
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For citation:Miller O.N. Premature heart beats in patients with the connective tissue disease. Clinical analysis in general medicine. 2024; 5 (2): 15–20 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2023.5.2.00383
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