Diabetes mellitus (DM) is one of the global problems of world’s healthcare. Systemic vascular complications are the dangerous sequelae of the disease, and chronic hyperglycemia is the leading factor contributing to the disease development. Glycemic control remains an effective strategy to prevent diabetes complications that requires achieving and maintaining metabolic targets throughout the life of the patient. The current guidelines on the selection of personalized treatment goals based on the glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels and the glycemic control methods are discussed. The emphasis is placed on self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG), one of the important factors contributing to the efficacy of the ongoing glucose-lowering therapy and hypoglycemia prevention. Proper SMBG is impossible without therapeutic training of DM patients. The current understanding of SMBG implies a certain frequency of the systematic measurement of blood glucose levels depending on the DM type and the type of glucose-lowering therapy. Various glucose meters for measurement of blood glucose levels at home are available. The criteria for choosing the glucose meter include compliance with the relevant accuracy standards, simplicity and ease of use, ease of getting the results by patients, which allow patients of any age to easily measure blood glucose levels. With all the advancements in modern technology, the glucose meters have appeared that significantly expand the possibilities of DM control due to integration with the free mobile application.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia, target range, glycated hemoglobin, self-monitoring of blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose levels, glucose meters.
Keywords: diabetes mellitus, hyperglycemia, target range, glycated hemoglobin, self-monitoring of blood glucose, postprandial blood glucose levels, glucose meters.
For citation:Biryukova E.V. Therapeutic avenues and prospects of blood glucose self-monitoring, the essential component of diabetes mellitus management. Clinical analysis in general medicine. 2024; 5 (2): 82–88 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2023.5.2.00392
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