The article presents the main points of differential diagnosis of tuberculosis and various types of lung cancer (central, bronchioloalveolar, peripheral), presents own clinical cases of oncological pathology look like tuberculosis. The key clinical and radiological features that suggest lung cancer are highlighted, the diagnostic errors are analyzed, and ways to improve the quality of diagnosis are outlined. The necessity of integrated additional examinations in case of the slightest doubt about the specific nature of the disease, the importance of evaluating the results of observation in dynamics is emphasized. It has been shown that a single detection of bacterial excretion is not evidence of active pulmonary tuberculosis in the presence of clinical and radiation signs of oncological pathology.
Keywords: tuberculosis, lung cancer, differential diagnosis, clinical case.
Keywords: tuberculosis, lung cancer, differential diagnosis, clinical case.
For citation:Korzh E.V. Tuberculosis masks of lung cancer (differential diagnosis, clinical observations). Clinical analysis in general medicine. 2024; 5 (2): 64–71 (In Russ.). DOI: 10.47407/kr2023.5.2.00390
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